Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Student Teacher Overload

I am functioning at less than full capacity in most of my life right now. With 14 credits, student teaching, and other life-related responsibilities, I am really overwhelmed. I have final projects, journals, papers, research, unit plans, lesson plans, and student teaching observations due in the next couple of weeks. Major overload ensues. I am quite honestly unsure how I am going to accomplish it all in such a short amount of time. I want to focus 100% of my energy on student teaching because I feel responsible to those kids, and it is the most practical use of my time considering that I will be teaching professionally (God willing) in less than a year. I learn SO much through hands on experience, and although my classes are definitely supplemental, I feel much more urgency to focus my energies on my actual teaching experiences. Any and all advice on time management or the general keeping of one's sanity is welcomed!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Technology Group Assignment

My group met briefly last week to discuss our project and we came up with a fun idea! We are all student teaching currently, so we are going to start documenting our experience by taking photos of our students in action. We are going to use the photos to create a video or slide show on our website that documents the life of a performing arts student teacher. Hopefully it will be fun and inspiring!

With love,