Monday, December 21, 2009

Browser comparison

As far as browsers are concerned, Firefox makes it easier to open flash websites in comparison to internet explorer. Also, it has the best layout and great accessability to tabs. It also is one of the best browsers to stream different formats of video. Internet explorer runs Microsoft applications very well, but it is not the fastest or most reliable browser by any means. However internet explorer is the server that I use most of the time. I hope to utilize Firefox more in the future because I feel that it is a more effective browser overall.

Colleagues’ sites

I really like Norah’s site because I appreciate her taste in lay out and color choices. She has created a very clean and functional site with her links organized into a neat table at the bottom of each page. I also like Ryan’s site because it represents his personality well. Although it is not as aesthetically pleasing, in my opinion, he demonstrates his knowledge of html code and the resources we have learned to use in this class. My favorite site is Joanna’s because of its professional look and informative text throughout. I think her site would be an excellent representation of her artistic background and her ambitions as a student and an educator.

NYU's Blackboard

The blackboard on NYU’s website is an effective tool for students and professors. I appreciate its value on many levels. The ability to upload assignments instead of turning in hard copies, and contribute to class discussions online are two of the best features in my opinion. In many of my classes I am accustomed to turning in papers via Blackboard, and it provides an opportunity for my professors to utilize the track changes function in Word and provide feedback or criticism. Additionally, this electronic exchange of documents provides a “green” way of exchanging information versus the traditional hard copy method. Blackboard’s discussion board system is also particularly helpful for students to be able to continue conversations that start in class and also to review and collaborate on each other’s writing and learning. I do not have any serious complaints about blackboard. In fact, I find it to be quite intuitive for a new student just learning the online NYU communications system.